Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Well, just as we get settled into the new apartment, i met one of our neighbors today. Not to be ugly, but i wish i had not.....

she says, "so, have you seen any snakes yet?" I reply with, "in the apartment???" Yep, that's right, she found a snake in her apartment. Ok, most of you know I am HUGELY afraid of 2 things, both of which I have already seen or heard about at this place, snakes and rats. I saw a rat on our patio (thank goodness it wasn't IN our apartment!!) Just to let you know in advance, if I die a sudden death, it will be because of seeing a SNAKE in our apartment!!!! That's how scared of them I am!!!



Sara said...

I don't know... snakes in Texas or thousandleggers in Michigan... I might have to go with the snakes!

Anonymous said...

As long as they are outside I'd be ok. If they come in, I'd be going out until some one found it if it was a snake.