Monday, January 28, 2008

my niece

Sorry for not updating has just not been real clear as to the condition of my niece. After doing several tests, the doctor believes she has seizures. Her daddy has them too. The doctor wants her to take a certain medicine. My sister looked it up and it seems to have many side effects. She has been very apprehensive about it but I think she is going to give it a try. Please pray that the medicine will help her out but yet not have any side effects.
Have a good week!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Puppy Tales Part 2

We planned on going to E.Texas this weekend for my parents' 39th anniversary. Sippi has not been traveling well in the car so we decided to board her at the vet's office. Plus, it was time for some more shots. I never knew someone could become so attached to a dog!! I was so sad to leave her on Friday! I can't wait until tomorrow to be able to pick her up!! :) Maybe she'll still love me!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Puppy Tales

Well, here we are and we've now had Sippi for 4 weeks. Sippi is now showing us tons of personality and the antics are quite humorous. First, we have the constant fascination with bathrooms. Whenever Sippi has gone to running roughshot through the house, a simple flush of the toilet will usually garner her attention. The puppy usually stops dead in her tracks and goes straight for the toilet and stands on her hind legs as if to see what will disappear. Next, we have the latest stunt she's been pulling: going up the stairs. No thanks to our niece, Lauren, coaxing Sippi up the stairs, we now have a doggy/child gate to prevent the darling(s) from running up the stairs. This afternoon, Sippi went all the way up the stairs and into our bedroom. Bad news...

Yet, it sure is entertaining!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Excuse me while I yawn...

Overnight was quite the experience. About 2AM, we were sound asleep only to be awakened by the burglar alarm. When I say sound asleep, I mean out cold, barely even heard the alarm asleep. Apparently, it was only a malfunction since there were no signs of forced entry, but it was one of those when you hear 105 dB of siren that just serves to leave you on edge for a while. Poor Sippi had never experienced the alarm going off and she was just trembling and crying to no end. Poor puppy got to endure it again when we ran a test on it with the monitoring service center. Now, I sit at home awaiting the service guy to come out and tell me what's wrong with my system. Maybe I can stay awake.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Red Green or Bob Vila

One of the joys (maybe pains) of being a homeowner as opposed to being a renter is now the projects are DIY (do-it yourself) instead of calling someone else to do it. While I naturally abhor the idea of doing something that I could pay someone to do, especially when they do it better than I do, I have been undertaking many projects at the house. Most recently, after hanging curtains and such, the larger projects have been installing shelving in the garage in order to remove the clutter and be able to park the vehicles in the garage. After all, when you have a two car garage, why should you have to park out in the driveway or street? But, I digress...

For those of you who have seen the Red Green Show, some of my projects have left me wondering whether sparing the duct tape was spoiling the job. In other words, should I have done something better or taken a shortcut. Yet, most of them have come out decently, I guess the judges will decide next weekend when we have the open house. As Red would say, "I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together..."

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

No news is good news???

Well, I'm not quite sure but we haven't heard anything about Lauren's MRI. We're still praying for good results.

She is also having an EEG on Friday. Please pray those results come back ok. My sister has to wake Lauren up at 2 am and keep her awake until the EEG. They want her to be sleep deprived when they give the test. She won't be happy! :)

Friday, January 04, 2008

please pray

I just wanted to update real quick to ask for prayer for my little niece. I just got back from Nacogdoches because she had some tests run today and I wanted to be there for her. She has been having "episodes" at night where she wakes up and doesn't know who/where she is and who anyone else is. She has also been having headaches. So, please pray that everything comes out ok with her MRI. She got very sick with the sedation they gave her. She vomited before and after the MRI. I was holding her after the MRI and she said, "I think I hear Aunt Stacey!" She didn't realize I was holding her!!

Hopefully we'll know something soon.