Monday, March 27, 2006

On the road again.....

Ok, so where do I start? This past weekend was our apartment hunting trip to the Metroplex. Stephen left Florence on Thursday and stayed half way in Little Rock. On Friday he was going to go straight there and I would meet him. My car was going crazy on me so he had to come here first to pick me up, then head for Dallas. We had a good time staying with my sister and brother-in-law, ate some good BBQ at Dickey's BBQ!! Saturday morning we met with a rental agent and she showed us SEVERAL apartments. It came down to 2: 1 across the street from walmart and 1 by the mall. We ended up getting the one by the mall. Yippeeee! We will live in Lewisville, which is right by I35. Our apartment is very nice. We will enjoy living there.

We left Frisco Saturday night and drove back to Nac.; got here about 1 a.m. Well, you know how Stephen is with his tummy issues. He got sick about 2 a.m. It has not been pleasant to say the least!! He is finally getting better, thank goodness!

On a different note, please keep my sister's in-law family in your prayers. They are experiencing difficulty. Richard's grandfather passed away on Friday. They believe that he died from the human form of mad cow disease. It was very awful to see what he had to go through. They are not even able to have a normal funeral. They will not do an autopsy or embalm him. They can only have a graveside funeral. Very sad situation......

We'll keep you posted on the move. It looks like it will happen somewhere around the 8th of April.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006



I can finally say that it appears the job hunt is over. The latest trip to the Dallas Metroplex has proven fruitful. The interviews on Monday went well and I must say that for a change it was nice to finally feel like I was wanted, and not a back-up plan. I have an offer and have faxed back an acceptance. All that is left is to complete the drug screen, turn in my resignation, and get the ball rolling on getting the movers here to ship my belongings. The clock is ticking, but it appears that I will hit Texas by mid-April.

While it is tough to abandon my childhood dream of being a rocket scientist, I have had to learn some valuable lessons in my career choice and my faith. Sometimes, we have to evaluate our priorities and roll with the circumstances God puts in front of us in order to be in alignment with what He has in store for us. I have no idea where this ultimately will land us, but I remain confident that He will take care of us and bless us with being back under the same roof shortly. Speaking of that, well, it may been soon. Stacey found out that she has an interview at a nearby school next week, so this is coming together quickly.

While we are happy, okay excited, we are sad, too. Leaving the closeness to my parents is a heart wrenching decision. Leaving Highland Baptist Church in Florence will be another sad point because we will miss our friends and the ministries we are involved with.

For each of you out there who prayed for Stacey and me, I want to express my gratitude for keeping us in your prayers. I cannot express what it has meant to have the prayers especially after the rejections, non-responses, or dropped contacts. Our faith has grown and some day I hope I can express it in a way that truly honors God.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

here we go again....

Ok, so here is the latest....Stephen has another job interview on Monday in the DFW area. This job is actually in Grand Prairie. It is actually very close to the job he interviewed at in the middle of Feb. He has actually worked for this company before while in Michigan, so we'll see. We are hopeful; yet, we are trying hard not to get too anxious for yet another let-down. We have been on a roller coaster here lately.

Speaking of interviews, I have an interview in that area as well. What do you know, we might actually get to live in the same household again! Yeah!

Friday after school we will meet in Frisco and stay with Missy and Ryan. My mom, sister, niece, and nephew will come also. It will be fun! On Monday after the interview, I will go back to Alabama with Stephen for the week. It is my SPRING BREAK!! Yipppeee! I am SOOOOOOOO ready for a break!!

We will let you know how the interview comes out!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hoping for a less stressful weekend...

Last weekend, Stacey and I hooked up again in the Rock (that's Little Rock for the outside world), and I felt like Mr. Murphy chased us up and down the Ozarks.

As a child, Stacey had visited and vacationed in Hot Springs, AR on multiple occasions. For months, she has ranted and raved about wanting to go back, so we decided to take a trip over there this past weekend to see it and decide if we wanted to vacation there this summer. Well, let's just say that the old portions wasn't what she remembered and it was so overcrowded that we didn't stick around to find out much more than what was on the main drag and stop at a place called Crazy Cajun's to get some good Cajun food. With that in mind, we headed back to the Rock to go shopping and find other things to do. When we got back that evening, I started feeling queasy and woke up sick Sunday morning.

Well, let's just say that my cold medicine did too good of a job breaking up my respiratory infection into a massive tummy trauma. Even after I paid homage to porcelein deities, we tried to check out of the hotel and go home, but something else arose. Stacey's car would not start... We left, ate lunch and came back, still no luck. Wasted more time and tried again, and the ignition was locked. By then, I'm getting sick again and finally give in and re-check into the hotel. Being Sunday, we try to get help, but to no avail. I get so sick that Stacey feels bad for me and goes to Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies to settle my stomach and some detergent to wash clothes. While there, the town creep follows Stacey through the Wal-Mart parking lot and she has to return to the store to get an escort. While hiding in the vision center, she finds out that this nut who chased her in the parking lot has done this on multiple occasions, yet no one has done anything about it. Great! So I have the town idiot making my already paranoid wife even more paranoid. Can I send you the bill for the prozac?

On Monday, we finally get a wrecker to get Stacey's car to the local dealership and we get the car fixed just before lunch. New starter/ignition cylinder and the car was up and running again. Meanwhile, my stomach settles down long enough to get drive home.

Surely, this weekend will be better...