Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Well, just as we get settled into the new apartment, i met one of our neighbors today. Not to be ugly, but i wish i had not.....

she says, "so, have you seen any snakes yet?" I reply with, "in the apartment???" Yep, that's right, she found a snake in her apartment. Ok, most of you know I am HUGELY afraid of 2 things, both of which I have already seen or heard about at this place, snakes and rats. I saw a rat on our patio (thank goodness it wasn't IN our apartment!!) Just to let you know in advance, if I die a sudden death, it will be because of seeing a SNAKE in our apartment!!!! That's how scared of them I am!!!


Thursday, May 25, 2006

One more day...

Wow, almost 10 months, an eternity to some! Friday will be the last day of school at Alto and that means Stacey and I will finally be back under the same roof again (at least for the summer).

On July 31, 2005, Stacey headed to Texas in hopes of getting back into teaching and our family on a firm footing. Come May 27, 2006, we're back under the same roof and I'm loving it. While our current jobs are not in the same town and I could commiserate over what hasn't happened; I have chosen to be thankful that we are both doing something we enjoy, are not living with large scale uncertainty (i.e. living hand-to-mouth), and we are able to spend the each weekend together. Selfishly, I hope something happens in the metroplex in the near future, but right now I'll rejoice in having Stacey home EVERY DAY!!!

To those of you who prayed, thanks! We couldn't have made it through this year without those prayers. Yet, keep praying. Stacey's still interviewing and we still need it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Interviews, interviews, interviews....and more interviews!!!

That's how my life has been lately. Not that I am complaining!!! Things here are super crazy! I had an interview this past Sunday (how crazy is that?!?), and that went ok. I had another one Monday which went berzerk! That's a whole other story in itself! I have 2 more 1 week from today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. So we'll see. I am definitely getting more opportunities here as opposed to Alabama. At least I feel a little better about myself now! :)

As I said before, things are crazy! This is our last week of school and it is just insane how busy teachers are this time of the year. Awards assemblies, field days, grades, etc.......I am so tired I think I am going to bed RIGHT NOW! :) Good night...................................

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I have an interview on Monday at 10 a.m. Please keep me in your prayers! This is a really good school district in the DFW area.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dear Mom, guess what else I saw today...

as a continuation of my first post. Forget all the nice thoughts I had about Texas Drivers...the kamikazes are back.

Well, Stacey and I have a couple of favorite hamburger places. One is Johnny Rockets and the other is Fuddruckers. In the Dallas area, they are located almost directly north and south of one another. After trekking to Fort Worth, we decided to check out the mall that Johnny Rockets is located in Arlington.

We ought to have known that something bad was going to happen when you have a cop directing traffic into the mall. Next, circle the mall going in and out of differing parking areas before resorting to the parking deck. Thus, we gave up and got into the line of traffic to exit. When we tried to exit the parking deck, we had someone start backing out of a parking spot (yes, we had the right of way), and refused to stop while we were honking the horn. The lady literally tried to hit us in order to force her way out of the parking lot. Then, we decided to go across the street to a crafts store and here we go again with a Texas redneck and his jacked up F-250 pick-up trying to run us over in more of a sideswipe manner. I mean, this is like Evasive Driving School 101. So much for "Drive Friendly - The Texas Way". I don't know what they are feeding these people down here, but they need to find something else.

Poor Stacey, she was in such a panic mode, we left without even stopping at any of the shops. Needless to say, the grass is greener is Lewisville.


Only 10 more school days left!!! Can we say hallelujah!!! :) I wanted to give an update on the job search on my behalf. I have applied at TONS of schools in this area. I haven't really heard any feedback yet but my principal told me the other day that one of the schools contacted her for a reference. So we'll see. I'll give you updates as I get them. If all else fails, I still have a job next year and I'll keep traveling on the weekends. At least I have the new car......

Happy Mother's Day!!!

To all of you mothers out there....Happy Mother's day!! You have the hardest job in the world and you are appreciated!! I want to especially wish a Happy Mother's Day to my 2 moms: Lynette and Pat!! You two are the greatest in the world!! I wouldn't make it without you!! You are appreciated!!!

Dear Mom, guess what I saw today...

In honor of mother's day and remembering a recurring theme from my days at MSU, here's a anecdote of yesterday's events.

For the first weekend since moving to Texas, we actually had free time to not have to spend on moving/storing/unpacking activities. So, we struck out on an adventure to see other parts of the metroplex. Armed with map in hand, we headed out to drive down to portions of Dallas.

First, we go to a shopping complex with a large costume jewelry and handbag store anchoring it. Let's just say it was enough to make any sane male to want five testosterone injections after dealing with the suped up estrogen levels in the store and the parking lot. Next, we took off to downtown Dallas to see how the downtown area was and we had originally thought about going to the Book Depository where President Kennedy was assassinated, but passed on it due to poor directions. Since neither of us had been to downtown Fort Worth (or in recent years), we go through the downtown area and start venturing to Fort Worth. On the way, Stacey mentions something about going to a wax museum she visited while growing up. I don't really want to go, but I relent since it's near my new job and I figure the area is safe.

When we arrived at the wax museum, we noticed something; we didn't fit in with the rest of the patrons. Most people either have children or fit into the freak, geek, or redneck category. We had a couple of toothless wonders taking pictures of every statue of a president you could find. There were some of those folks you find with the bermuda shorts, high knee socks, thick glasses, mop hair do, and fanny pouch types as well. Then we had two poor fellas without any social skills following behind us in the latter part of the museum. You almost had to feel sorry for them being so socially inept. One of the first statues in the museum was Forrest Gump, and that was about as fitting as it could get. "Hi, muah nahme iz Forrest Gump, they call me may Forrest Gump!" It's one of those places it's okay to see it once, but it's definitely a tourist trap.

From there we ventured to Fort Worth and then on to Arlington. Needless to say, the trip to the mall in Arlington was awful. That's another story about rude and careless drivers we'll save for another entry.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well, it's official...

the three scariest words I can speak are now true. "I'm a Texan."

This afternoon, I went to the Denton County Tax Assessors Annex and bought car tags, registered to vote, and surrendered my Alabama driver's license to the Department of Public safety. When it was sad to let go of something of home, I sense the Lord making me realize it is not the time to look back.

I will say that it was almost a carnival style atmosphere at the assessor's and DPS offices. You wouldn't believe me even if I tried to tell you. Maybe I'll save that one for another message.