Saturday, May 23, 2009


We had our 2nd IUI last weekend. I will find out the results on Fri, May 29th. However, I have been really sick. I actually got sick on Monday, just a few days after the procedure. I hope it doesn't affect the results. I came home MOnday feeling really sick, all of a sudden. achy, fever, sore throat, chills, etc....I was worried that it was the flu. So, I went to the emergency room that night. They tested me for the flu, it was negative. They tested me for strep, negative. I stayed home the next day from work. My throat kept feeling worse. That evening, I went to the urgent care clinic..sure enough, I tested positive for strep. What a difference a day makes......

Only 8 more days of school left. I am starting to get a little sad about having to tell SOME of my kids bye. I am going to really miss some of them!!!! I'll probably miss all of them in some way. This was a special group to me.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Howdy! It's been awhile.....

Wow, thanks to the world of facebook, it's been a while since I posted on here! It has been busy. Last month, we went through our first IUI cycle. Unfortunately, the pregnancy test came back negative. We are on our 2nd cycle this month. I pray this is the month, it is a very draining process, physically and mentally.

Sippi has been really sick. Between doctor bills and vet bills, our bank must think the Great depression has hit!!! Did you know there is a $200 cover charge for vets??? We didn't either until recently. I say all of that to say this, we think Sippi might finally be on the road to recovery. It is possibly clostridium. ????So far so good w/ the treatment. Our vet is wonderful!! We couldn't ask for a better person than Dr. Goodwin!

The swine flu must have hit my school. We went to school Monday, but we have been off the remainder of the week. When we go back Monday, we'll only have 16 more days. I'm starting to get a little sad. I am going to miss these kids. I might even shed a tear or two. There were no tears last year for sure. This year has been so much better. It has made me love my career again! I am so glad not to have to move this year!! Yeah!!!

I hope everyone is well. Please continue to pray for us. This fertility stuff can be very trying, and not just on me. Stephen has been the best during the whole thing. I coudn't ask for anyone better to go through my life with me. We are about to be married for 6 years! It has been kinda rough, but things are finally better.