Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Normal again...well, maybe.

It's been a few weeks since we've wrote anything, but by now you've probably seen the outrageous blog for Sippi. Sippi and her mommy are on the road for a birthday (Stacey's dad), so I'm still at home going to work. As I am writing this, it has come up a cloud (that's an impending thunderstorm for you non-southerners) and everything started blowing across the yard. Now that I have fetched the volleyball and returned the patio chairs, maybe that'll be the end of my chasing things across the yard.

Where was I? We ended our vacation by going to see the Braves and Rangers play. The Braves stunk it up, so that was sad. I returned to work and have been very busy since then. They were in the middle of a Kaizen when I returned and now we're getting ready to rearrange everything in my department. Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Now everyone is on vacation and we're just struggling to get back into a groove. Fortunately for Stacey, she had company in the form of her nephew Ryan. He earned his keep, Aunt Stacey made sure she had plenty for him to do. :-)

Also, the lot next door to us sold again, so now we wait and pray for a good situation to occur. Selfishly, I would really like to see it built this time just to rid ourselves of an overgrown lot, the insects and other pests, and the constant wondering of people/kids through the lot. The hassle of keeping up with the lawn and the overgrown stuff hanging in our yard has been quite the nuisance.

Next was the 4th of July weekend. The rest of Stacey's family came and we cooked out on the 4th. We still have food from it and I have leftovers to do me for a while. On the night of the 4th, we were entertained by all the neighborhood folks trying to shoot off a ton of fireworks. We could see the real show in Heath and some of these folks went extreme enough to compete with some of that. Let's just say I enjoyed watching them burn their money, not mine. We ended up going to the Frisco Roughriders game on the 5th and seeing the fireworks show afterward. On Sunday everyone went home and we crashed.

Well, better rest up, Stacey's coming back Friday and there's no telling what kind of honey-do list she'll bring with her...