Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I'm not sure if it will ever stop raining here. We have had our fair share. If it keeps it up, we'll have to build an ark!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

On the road again....

This time we're DRIVING!! :) We are headed out of town this weekend to see some friends. No, we never really do stay home! :)

Not too much other than traveling is going on here. I have my new teacher orientation coming up in July, as well as a family vacation with my parents, sisters, niece and nephew. We are going to Arkansas. Later in July, Stephen's parents are coming to TX for a visit. We are excited about that.

Stephen is having severe allergy problems. We have had so much rain.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Our Alabama Trip...

This weekend we went to visit Stephen's mom and dad in Alabama. We flew in Friday night and returned home today. We had a good visit and of course our time was too short. Of course I got to hear Stephen grumble about the Bulldogs' quick exit at the College World Series.

We were able to see Stephen's friends, Chris and Katy. It was really good to be able to see them. Plus, we ate some good ol' Alabama BBQ at the famous Big Bob Gibson's.

The fun part came today on our flight home. You know it's going to be a bad flight when the pilot comes over the speakers after take-off and tells the flight attendants to stay seated and not begin beverage service. We didn't know how bad it would really get. At one point I closed my eyes and started to sing "Lord I'm Coming Home". That was the worst turbulence I have ever experienced. The whole plane was shaking really bad and we dropped so much altitude. I almost vomited. I never get sick on planes but today was definitely an exception.

Alabama is praying for rain and we're praying for no more rain. There were some really bad floods today, which is really sad. Several people lost their lives. Everyone in Alabama wanted us to bring rain with us. We would have gladly obliged them if we could have!!

Have a good week. This day has worn me out, time to retire and get some sleep!! :)

Friday, June 08, 2007

It's Official!!

I am going to be teaching 3rd Grade at Richardson ISD! I was offered the job Monday and I accepted. I am very excited! I am happy to be back home with Stephen! We won't know what to think....we will both be working full time and live in the same house. In our 4 years of being married, this will be a first. We celebrate our 4th anniversary next Thursday, June 14th.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

It's Sunday...

and I don't have to leave home to go to Nac.! :) What an awesome feeling. It is good to be back home. We are still trying to get all of my "stuff" settled in here. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate!! We have officially filled up 2 5'x10' storage units. That is so sad!!

We were able to attend Prestonwood Baptist Church today. It is so awesome every time we get to go there!! The worship experience is indescribable!!

I am waiting to hear from an interview I had Thursday. It went really well so we'll see. It's all in God's hands right now. I am having to learn to be patience and have faith which is something I struggle with daily. I want everything done in my timing and God has taught me so many lessons about that. I just pray that He gives me the desires of my heart. Please keep me in your prayers until that happens. Thank you so much!!