Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dear Mom, guess what else I saw today...

as a continuation of my first post. Forget all the nice thoughts I had about Texas Drivers...the kamikazes are back.

Well, Stacey and I have a couple of favorite hamburger places. One is Johnny Rockets and the other is Fuddruckers. In the Dallas area, they are located almost directly north and south of one another. After trekking to Fort Worth, we decided to check out the mall that Johnny Rockets is located in Arlington.

We ought to have known that something bad was going to happen when you have a cop directing traffic into the mall. Next, circle the mall going in and out of differing parking areas before resorting to the parking deck. Thus, we gave up and got into the line of traffic to exit. When we tried to exit the parking deck, we had someone start backing out of a parking spot (yes, we had the right of way), and refused to stop while we were honking the horn. The lady literally tried to hit us in order to force her way out of the parking lot. Then, we decided to go across the street to a crafts store and here we go again with a Texas redneck and his jacked up F-250 pick-up trying to run us over in more of a sideswipe manner. I mean, this is like Evasive Driving School 101. So much for "Drive Friendly - The Texas Way". I don't know what they are feeding these people down here, but they need to find something else.

Poor Stacey, she was in such a panic mode, we left without even stopping at any of the shops. Needless to say, the grass is greener is Lewisville.

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