Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, July has been busy. We went to San Antonio the end of June/first of July. We had a blast! We did the river walk and Sea World. It was definitely good times! I went to Sea World as a kid, but Stephen had never been. It was like going with a kid, he was so excited. It has changed a lot since I have been too, so I was equally excited.

I went to the foot doctor the day before I went to have my pregnancy test. The dr. thought I had broken my foot so he put me in the "boot". He wouldn't x-ray until we had results. We didn't get the results we wanted. The next week, I went back to the foot doctor, had my x-ray, found out some interesting news. My foot is not broken. However, I found out I have metatarsus adductus, which is similar to club feet. My dad, older sister, and her 2 kids were all born with club feet. There is nothing he will do about it. I've lived with it for 32 years, what is a few more?? I do still have heel spurs. He put some inserts in my shoes. The WORST part was the shots in my feet. I have to go back tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. But, it gives me relief.

On Wednesday, I go to my reproductive endocrinologist for a consult. She will probably tell me I have to have surgery to remove the polyp on my uterus. Then we'll move forward again.

ADOPTION, it keeps coming to my mind. I just can't stop. Please pray!

Stephen's parents are here and we're having fun with them. Doing lots of eating!! :)

That's all for now. I am enjoying my summer still. I am almost ready to go back. This summer has been an emotional rollercoaster.....