Tuesday, June 13, 2006

how refreshing.....

Stephen and I just got back from a mini-vacation. We strolled down to the Texas Gulf Coast. We stayed on Galveston Island. It was so fun. Our hotel was on the water. Lots of fun! We left on Thursday when Stephen got off of work. We ended up getting to Galveston around 11:30 pm. On Friday we headed back north to Houston. Stephen has always wanted to see the Johnson Space Museum (NASA)...go figure!! :-) Then, we went to the Astros-Braves game. Believe it or not, I convinced Stephen to wear his Astros stuff! We got there in time to see the Astros batting practice. We got some really close up pics of some really cool people. Then, we headed up to our seats. Seaction 419 Row NB (nosebleed). For those not familiar with the Juice Box (Minute Maid Park), that is the very TOP section of the stadium. YIKES! Do I need to mention here that I am scared of heights???? I mean, I won't even get on an escalator. I had an anxiety attack. Meanwhile, Stephen goes down to accommodations and buys seats on the bottom, so I eventually recover!!! I had fun after that....

Saturday.....we went down to the beach for a while. Then, we ate at this place that was OUT OF THIS WORLD! It was called Fish Tales. YUM! They had the best shrimp! Then, we went to Moody Gardens and rode the Colonel Paddlewheel Boat. This was definitely the wrong name of this boat. It needs to be renamed Yard heathen mobile!! It was covered up!! Stephen did get to meet a new little buddy though. I should have taken a picture of the two of them, they got to be quite close throughout the trip. It was like they were opposite ends of magnets!! Awww....NOT! The kid parked his little booty right in front of us. At one point, Stephen put his foot up on the rail and the kid said, excuse me so Stephen let him by!! It was hilarious!!! Come to find out, it was a school trip for the gifted kids!! :-) No wonder he and Stephen were so compatible!! After the boat experience, we went to the Strand, a downtown little shopping district. Pretty cool. For dinner, we went to Gaidos, the best restaurant on Galveston Island, in my opinion!

Sunday.....we didn't do a whole lot. We ate at a place called salsa's, not very good. We rode the ferry to Bolivar Peninsula, got to see the Bolivar Point Light. Then, we drove the island from the eastern tip to the western tip. Yes we are nerds! :-) For dinner, we ate a Boudreaux's on the Bayou. Another great place to eat. Then we went back to the beach.

Monday.....we actually went to the Kemah boardwalk. It's a fun little touristy area. We ate at the aquarium restaurant. very pricy but good. Then, we went to Nacogdoches to surprise my family.

today is Tuesday and we are really tired! Tomorrow is our 3rd year anniversary and I have an interview at 2 pm. Pray for me! Pictures are to come as soon as I download them to the computer.

1 comment:

Sara said...

happy anniversary y'all!