Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dear Mom, guess what I saw today...

In honor of mother's day and remembering a recurring theme from my days at MSU, here's a anecdote of yesterday's events.

For the first weekend since moving to Texas, we actually had free time to not have to spend on moving/storing/unpacking activities. So, we struck out on an adventure to see other parts of the metroplex. Armed with map in hand, we headed out to drive down to portions of Dallas.

First, we go to a shopping complex with a large costume jewelry and handbag store anchoring it. Let's just say it was enough to make any sane male to want five testosterone injections after dealing with the suped up estrogen levels in the store and the parking lot. Next, we took off to downtown Dallas to see how the downtown area was and we had originally thought about going to the Book Depository where President Kennedy was assassinated, but passed on it due to poor directions. Since neither of us had been to downtown Fort Worth (or in recent years), we go through the downtown area and start venturing to Fort Worth. On the way, Stacey mentions something about going to a wax museum she visited while growing up. I don't really want to go, but I relent since it's near my new job and I figure the area is safe.

When we arrived at the wax museum, we noticed something; we didn't fit in with the rest of the patrons. Most people either have children or fit into the freak, geek, or redneck category. We had a couple of toothless wonders taking pictures of every statue of a president you could find. There were some of those folks you find with the bermuda shorts, high knee socks, thick glasses, mop hair do, and fanny pouch types as well. Then we had two poor fellas without any social skills following behind us in the latter part of the museum. You almost had to feel sorry for them being so socially inept. One of the first statues in the museum was Forrest Gump, and that was about as fitting as it could get. "Hi, muah nahme iz Forrest Gump, they call me may Forrest Gump!" It's one of those places it's okay to see it once, but it's definitely a tourist trap.

From there we ventured to Fort Worth and then on to Arlington. Needless to say, the trip to the mall in Arlington was awful. That's another story about rude and careless drivers we'll save for another entry.

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