Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy (Sniff, Snort) Thanksgiving!

Well, I have been suffering with the sniffles, sneezes and snorts for over three weeks now. Stacey and my poor co-workers have been listening to my wild sneezing fits about every other day, I'm sure their eardrums are almost bleeding. Monday night, I got very little sleep and I left work Tuesday afternoon and was absolutely miserable because I couldn't breathe. I finally gave in and went to the doctor. Once again, a sinus infection. Fortunately for me, I got a shot and some medication and hopefully will start feeling better by the weekend.

Also, on top of getting to spend the entire day together, Stacey and I were able to go to Huntsville and Decatur to do a little shopping. We finally have Christmas shopping almost wrapped up except for a couple of items on our own wishlists and now can spend a worry-free December. We also got to hit our favorite BBQ place - Big Bob Gibson's in Decatur. I'm still full for the delicious BBQ and half rack of ribs. For the BBQ challenged and non-Alabamians, Big Bob Gibson's has won 6 or more World BBQ Championships at Memphis in May, won the Best Sauce on the Planet Award back in 1998, and hosts the All-Star BBQ Challenge on OLN. These boys know what REAL BBQ is all about and it's a NOUN, NOT A VERB! for our grilling challenged friends.

Thanksgiving day will consist of us going to my aunt and uncle's house in Crane Hill followed by spending the rest of the time with my parents. I'm sure we'll eat a ton, have a good time visiting with the kin folks, and watching football between naps. I'm sure the Cowboys game will not go unnoticed. :-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Stacey's home

Well, for the first time since Labor Day, Stacey is back home and you can't believe how great it has been having her here in Florence. I know that the Lord has great things planned for us, but this is just a reminder of how wonderful it will be once we are in the same town for good.

As you expect, Stacey's inner-child kicked in and we ended up putting up a Christmas tree - decorated to the hilt. No surprises there, eh? Stacey loves the Christmas season more than anyone I know. If it was left up to her, we'd be putting one up on Nov. 1 every year. So, now our living room looks ready for Christmas Day.

Just an update on the insurance issue. Well, Stacey went back to the doctor and will be in the walking cast until December 14th thanks to the lack of urgency at our insurance company. Her physician prescribed another medication and we are awaiting the results of this one. Fortunately, there was no issue getting the medicine, just hoping it will work.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

May the Farce Part III

Well, some things just do not change...

Unfortunately, this one is serious, but the absurdity of the situation makes this another farce. Stacey has been in a walking cast for over a month with the bursitis underneath the heel spur. Stacey's doctor prescribed medication to reduce the imflammation and the farce ensued. After the one week trial/samples ran out, our insurance company would not allow the prescription to be filled. Our "friends" at the Shield in the Land of 10000 Lakes have denoted that the medication prescribed was not acceptable, but it took them 10 days to "review" and then we get a letter through snail mail informing us of the rejection. Next, we call then insurance company for rationale and next steps to take and they tell us to get a substitute. Thus, we go back for a substitute, and it was summarily rejected by these same arrogant non-physicians. We complain again and gripe about the amount of time and inability to get treatment because of their delays and they basically tell us that it's not their problem. Finally, we get a list of acceptable medications and substitutes and what is the head of the list??? You guess it, the original prescription, followed by ibuprofren - tylenol. Now the insurance companies are getting into the "call two aspirin and call me when I care" mode.

Hello!!!?!??! What are we throwing our hard earned money away for if the insurance company won't pay for what the doctor prescribes???

May the Farce Part II

It's Christmas season and now is the time Stacey and I always make out our wishlists and then exchange them. For those of you who know me, I'm a Star Wars junkie, no I do not have a Darth Vader or Storm Trooper costume, but I have done really well about not mass collecting the collectibles from Episode III...UNTIL NOW!
The list came out and it would be like reading a kid's list. Anyone got a Spud Trooper or Darth Tater ya want to hook me up with???

Well, some things just do not change...

May the farce be with you!

I'm adding a couple of posts due to the craziness and ineptness of things we have recently will see a common theme shortly.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Birthday, Stacey!!!

29 years ago today, the Texas Tornado was unleashed on the Earth.

Well, she says it will be the last birthday she'll celebrate. We'll see about that!!!