Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter Y'all!


Since it's my first post from Texas, I had to throw the obligatory "Y'all" in there. So, let's catch up, I survived the move, however hectic it was, and now I'm trying to get settled in. I just got my computer hooked up a couple of hours ago, so now I can start communicating with the outside world again. BTW, can we say H-O-T? Have mercy, it isn't even May and it hit 95 today with tomorrow expected to be 97-99. This ain't right!!!

For me, it's been one of the hardest Easter's to celebrate because I'm still in a whirlwind of trying to get settled in and accustomed to a new home and starting new routines. I have so much to be grateful for: a new job, a promotion, a new home, more opportunities to see Stacey, new places to go and things to do; that it stands to reason why the world forgets what the season is truly about. Yet, I am thankful for a God who takes care of me and let His Son die and rise again which is a better thing that all those things mentioned above.

As for the whirlwind, it has been a busy week. First, we got here and then our relocation group botched our temporary housing reservations which meant we slept on an air mattress in an empty apt. Thankfully, our stuff arrived last Sunday morning a day after the mix-up. Monday, I started my new job. On Wednesday, probably the best thing was that I had my washer and dryer hooked up and did not have to resort to recycling any clothes. On the same day, I had my Direct TV hooked up and now can watch TV with the exception of Fox Sports South or FSN-Detroit, so I'm in a pickle not having SEC baseball or Red Wings or Predators hockey right now. Stacey made it up here on Thursday evening and her family made it here on Friday around lunchtime. We were able to unpack the kitchen and the living room, now it's on to sorting and straightening. We're about 70% unpacked at this time with plenty of runs to the storage unit.

As for work, after going 4 days without a computer, I finally have one. Fortunately, it was a short week due to the holiday. The job is fun, but going to be a challenge since I am no longer doing composites, which I have done for the past 10 years. Next week should be interesting with more opportunities to get thrown into the fire.

More to come...

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