Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Lots of things going on....

My nephew got his cast off today!! His foot is so straight, Praise God!

I can't wait until this weekend! My family is coming to visit and I can't wait!!!

My mom quit smoking 10 days ago cold turkey and hasn't picked up a cigarette since. Another praise!!! I am so very proud of her. She has been smoking since her 20's and she is nearly 60. She did it for us. You can't talk someone into giving up an addiction until THEY are ready, but I am so happy for her!!

We are getting ready for our new nephew. My sister and I are giving her a shower in November. I was printing invites last night and forgot the most important part....the part that it's a boy!!! :) That just shows where my mind has been lately!!!

We're on round 2 of fertility drugs. We are praying for the Lord's will but we want a baby so bad, so Lord, that is the desire of our hearts. I look around and see pregnant people every day and I think it's just not fair. But I take comfort in the fact that I know the Lord knows what is best and His timing will be perfect.

So, that's all for now. Stephen just grilled me a yummy smelling steak, so I'm off to indulge in that. :)

1 comment:

The Bright Family said...

you'll be in our prayers. & good job to your Mom!!