Friday, December 16, 2005

Multiple ramblings...

As Stacey would say, "Have mercy!"

I'm having the worst case of ADD I've had in a long time. I guess when you couple the excitement of Stacey coming home, needing to do laundry, wrapping Christmas presents, and straightening up the apartment; I just bounce from one project to the other in 20 minute intervals. This has been going on since 7PM and you'd think it would eventually slow down. Naah! Unfortunately, it is a reminder of how much I hate wrapping Christmas presents. I am terrible at it, especially when they come in odd shapes and we have plenty of them this year. I've gotten 6 done, and 1 more to go. Maybe it'll get done before Stacey arrives...

So, I guess you'd ask, how's the hunt going? Well, after a pretty slow couple of months, things are starting to pick up again and not a moment too soon. It's been 4 1/2 months since we started the dual household situation and it's grown beyond old. Yet, I have patience and faith that God will provide in His time, and if I can be patient, the reward will be worth the wait. I've really spent most of my time searching close to Stacey's job, but I'm not sure that it's going to pan out. Thus, I have expanded my search in hopes that something will pan out locally while searching near and far.

As for Labs R Us. Well, they have made buddies in their new homes. Puppy, the yellow mixed lab we got for my dad, is having his romp at my parents' home. I gave him to my dad on the 10th and dad's proud of him. Unfortunately, while Puppy was here with me, the remainder of his litter was sent packing, but not to doggy heaven, just New York to a rescue who provides pets to the inner city. Anyway, he's settling in pretty good, just trying to chew everything that is not nailed down. Hopefully, the little fella will get a name this weekend. Chester, the black lab at Stacey's parents' home is settling in just fine. He's turning into the shadow of his counterpart, Magnum. Oh the adventures just waiting to happen...

Yet, as Stacey mentioned, we'll be together for the next two weeks and I'm chomping at the bits for it to get here. I can't wait! A week here and a week of vacation in East Texas. Will the eyes of Texas be upon me...who knows?

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