Sunday, August 27, 2006

Can you speak up, Stacey?

Obviously, a poor attempt at humor at my wife's expense.

Stacey has been sick since Tuesday night when she started complaining of a sore throat. So, we first thought it was sore throat or tonsilitis. Nope! Strep Throat. So, she goes to the clinic on Wednesday morning and they give her a shot and some medicine. By Thursday night, she is no better, but worse. Friday, she returns to the clinic and they first think it's mono, but not sure. So they send her to an Ears, Nose, & Throat doctor. Long story made short, no mono, but an abcessed tonsil and severe case of strep throat. Another shot and a new prescription later, she finally starts getting some relief. By the time I get to Nacogdoches, her tonsils are pretty much swollen together and they are solid white, not the rosy pink you'd normally expect. Stacey had not eaten hardly any solid food since this started.

Currently, they are discussing whether to remove her tonsils because this episode of strep was so bad, but the tonsils are so bad that they'll have to wait on the infection to go down before performing surgery. Keep us in your prayers....Thanks!

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