Wednesday, January 24, 2007

7 lbs lighter and 2 days later...

Well, someone once told me that if there was a stomach bug to be had, I would catch it. They were right. Shortly after my trip to East Texas this weekend, I came in on Sunday night feeling a little uneasy.

That uneasy feeling continued until Monday morning and then it turned into a mule kick in the gut. From there, I knew it was all over. Thus, I got two days off from work courtesy the latest incarnation of the stomach bug traversing Texas. At least I can say that it was the kinder version of what I have received in the past, no projectile vomiting or the like. Just general blahs, no desire to see, smell or eat food, and you want to stay in bed - except for those quick U-turns. Yeah me! Any volunteers to be the next in line?

On a positive note, this turned out helpful in my work's weight loss challenge allowing me to lose the most weight for the week - just not the way I wanted to.


Sara said...

I swear you are the most stomach-bug contracting individual I have ever met! Hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better...John had the stomach bug last week. Then, on Monday night, he gave it to me. I've been off work for two days. I stayed home one day last week to help him. I have friends in Mississippi that have had it, too. It's going around. And, beware---the flu is going around, too. My boss has it this week. UGH! Stay well. We'll get together again soon!