Monday, July 17, 2006

Heat wave, computer hackers, and other annoyances

Well, in case you haven't heard, it's been over 100 degrees the past week. Not that we didn't expect it, it was one of those things that's just mind boggling that it's still 101 at 8:30 pm and 86 at 6AM. It was 105 today and supposed to be 107 tomorrow, can't wait for winter at this point. Yet, I'm thankful the humidity has been low or we'd really been miserable.

Stacey and I went away for the weekend to sell more of my stuff (isn't that the way it always works out???) in a yard sale with her family. When we came home our computer wasn't working. Obviously, the work of a hacker, and they have locked up our logon, so who knows what it will take to get working. For now, we're using the computer center at our apt. complex. We had trouble a couple of weeks ago with a hacker putting pop ups trying to get us to buy some software and my brother in law (a bona fide computer genius) put a stop to that, but the hacker decided to pay us back. Oh the joys of internet security with DSL...

We have finally gotten a new road opened up in our area. We thought it would be a blessing, but it has been a nuisance with the increased traffic and the heat seemingly making everyone just want to do the craziest things...

Yet, I have had some fun the past couple of weeks, the inner nerd came out and we found a park by DFW to watch the planes take off and land. Oh what fun and cheap entertainment. Even my 10 year old nephew couldn't get enough of it...

That's all for now.

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