Thursday, September 29, 2005

Stephen's first post

Well, I am finally getting with the program and trying to post on the blog. After going through what some call Survivor Nacogdoches (Hurricane Rita and it's aftermath), I'm trying to post. So bear with me as Stacey and I try to input our stories of the craziness of what happened in Deep East Texas during the hurricane.

I must say, after going three days without water, electricity and standard imenities in 100 degree heat, I have a newfound respect for what people have had to endure with Katrina.

I'm sure you're dying to know what happened with my interview. Well, the first interview occurred Monday morning and went very well. Mid-afternoon, the HR representatives called back for a second round of interviews and I returned to interview with representatives of two other departments/divisions. I have one more round sometime early next week and that should be the determining factor. Just keep us in your prayers.


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