Saturday, September 29, 2007

House Update 09/28

Sorry, no pictures this week!

While on our way to East Texas, we visited the site on Friday evening, and visually, there really wasn't much to see from the exterior of the house. We did run into the insulation contractors and they were still working on installing the insulation on the walls of the house. It appears that the remainder of the wiring was finished and "roughed in" as our builder calls it. It does appear that the house passed another milestone in getting past a preliminary electrical and HVAC inspection. Yet, in disappointing fashion, the sheet rock was sitting in the same locations as it had during the previous visit and the vandalized window hadn't been repaired.

Yet, to be positive, we had our hole in our backyard fence repaired, and there had been a large delivery of Mountain Red bricks placed in our yard, about 6-8 loads. At least we could take solace in the approaching of the house being bricked. We also were given a bracket of dates for home owner's orientation with the closing date in mid-November. So now, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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