Monday, February 20, 2006

Update (My turn)

As Stacey so aptly pronounced, "your turn to update the blog!"

Okay, sloth is no excuse for updating the blog, but the winter olympics, maybe???? Okay, I must confess, I love the Winter Olympics, I stay glued to the TV. Maybe it's because its full of those sports nobody cares about every four years. Maybe it's because I have always wanted to hop a ride on a bobsled and shoot down the track at almost 80 mph. I love watching the ski jumping and once I saw it in person in Salt Lake 2002, you couldn't pay me to do it. I am amazed at how frightening a sport it is (the TV can't do it justice), but as they say, "Fat don't fly!" so I'm pretty safe from being asked to do that anytime soon. Then there is the sport no one in the US gets, curling, all I can say is get CBC on your satellite, you'd finally understand the passion behind it.

Well, I spent most of this weekend camped out at home. Saturday was a double barrel of a bad day. First, the freezing rain and sleet made the roads treacherous, second was the fact that I was sick (sneezing, snorting, ear ache and sore throat) and the clinic was closed due to the weather. So, I stayed at home with the worst case of cabin fever until this morning. Three hours, two tests and a set of X-rays later, the end result was a sinus infection that blew up into a respiratory infection. Now, maybe the shot and the medication will kick in and I'll start feeling better.

As for the news most of you were waiting for, my job interview in Dallas/Grand Prairie, TX. I thought I did pretty well, but they were looking for something else. It came down to not so much my shortcomings, but not the right time. While it was a downer that this did not come to pass, I am not about to throw in the towel. I still believe God is at work doing something we are not able to see with our own eyes. Something similar happened with us coming to ATK and Florence and then again, you never know what job is going to be posted tomorrow or who's going to call out of the blue. And I'll leave it at that...

Just ask that you'll pray for Stacey on Tuesday, her class is taking the TAKS test for reading and it's a very important day. She has worked very hard in preparing her class for this and now it's time for the result. I ask that you'll just pray for her sanity and hopefully the hard work will show with the kids' results.

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